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The Art of Self-Care

Life is busy as it is; we all have to go to work, run errands, take care of our families, attend to the needs of others, and the list goes on. Who needs to crowd their schedule with yet another task? We believe no one. But how often do you do something that is for YOU? How many things on your to-do list serve you and spark your joy? When ‘self-care’ is mentioned, it’s usually met with questioning looks. The concept has been there since forever, but it’s becoming more and more popular these days. What is self-care? Why is it important to find time for it? How can one master the art, yes an art, of self-care? Let’s find out.


What is self-care?

The term itself is self-explanatory; it’s about taking care of ones’ self. However, the term encompasses many aspects; some people like to think of self-care as pure beauty practices. Others, like us, believe self-care is not just limited to that. There are various activities that one can do to practice self-care. This includes eating a hearty meal, reading for pleasure, going out for coffee, attending a dance class, wearing makeup for absolutely no reason, doing a hair mask, and many more. Don’t think of self-care as a form of luxury because it is not in any way. Self-care is crucial. It is crucial for your physical, emotional and mental well-being. 


Start some routines

If you constantly find yourself forgetting to practice self-care or just prioritizing other tasks and errands over it, routines come in handy. For example, you need to sit down with yourself and figure out what your skin or hair needs; a 10-minute morning or night routine can be just the right boost for your day. It’s a great way to thank our bodies and take care of them. Our advice to you at this stage is to not create the perfect routine from the first go; start small and grow as you go. The purpose is to always stay motivated and not feel like it’s just another thing on your jam-packed ‘To-Do list’.


Listen to your mind and body

As we said earlier, practicing self-care is not only related to beauty.  Self-care should be practiced daily, in one form or another. For this, you need to listen to your body as well as your mind; what do you need to do now to feel satisfied, confident, and taken care of at the moment? Do you need to put makeup on and feel extra pretty? Do you feel like stretching your body in a yoga class? Do you need to read a new book? Whatever you feel like doing, do it.


Start living, stop existing

Work gives your life a meaning, family comes first, and we don’t live alone in this world. We’ve all heard these sentences before, sometimes we even tell them to ourselves. They are all true, but when can YOU start living and stop existing? When are you going to find the time to travel? To go on a makeup shopping-spree? To learn that dance? To book a spa appointment? You need to know your self-worth and act upon it.